Aluminium Profiles
Aluminium Profiles
Slot profile accessories
Slot profile accessories
Laser cut plates, Semi finished products, Tube systems, Cable conduit
Laser cut plates, Semi finished products, Tube systems, Cable conduit
Mechanical Basics
Mechanical Basics
Dynamic M
Dynamic M
Dynamic E
Dynamic E
Dynamic T
Dynamic T
Dynamic PN
Dynamic PN
Workshop supplies Consumables
Workshop supplies Consumables
DIY - Kits Accesories/Sim Racing
DIY - Kits Accesories/Sim Racing
FoldaRap v3.0 Kit by Emmanuel Gilloz bestellen

Kit FoldaRap v3.0

Product no.: 5729

Efficiency Club Price -x%
w/o taxes: xx,xx€
Brut: xx,xx€
Standard Price
w/o taxes: xx,xx€
w/ taxes: xx,xx€
This is our most expensive picking type. Someone has to open a bag, count your items and put the bag back in the warehouse.
Shipping time: 3-6 business days Ex Works
Estimated stock:
Products description

FoldaRap v3.0 by Emmanuel Gilloz

You have here the essential components for your FoldaRap v3.0.
This kit includes a small contribution to support the inventor.

If you have any question you can contact him on the RepRap Forum or directly by mail please:

Assembly instruction

And while you are here, don't hesitate to grab a spool of Filaments